Several members of the team spent yesterday approximately one hour away from the Firestone Guesthouse at an orphanage called Francis Gaskin Rescue Home, named for the founders grandmother who taught them to care for the unwanted. The visit was coordinated by Debbie of Orphan Rescue and Relief, a wonderful local NGO. Mission Partner, Mary Moore supervised the preparation of a traditional rice dish for the 120+ kids. Comprised of approximately 100 schoolchildren and 30 orphans, the kids started their meal with nasty tasting de- worming pills followed by a dum-dum sucker which they were allowed to get after proving they'd fully chewed their pills by sticking out their tongues. Next came one, two and three servings of rice with sauteed chicken, boullion, carrots, onions and tomatoes. The kids also each had half of a bright red apple, which is the symbol of love in Liberia. Finally, each got a packet of coconut cookies, a small stuffed toy, and plenty of new games, schoolbooks, toys and balls which have been donated over the past year by everyone from Dr. Tetzlaff's children to Lora Koppel's neighbors. They were hugely appreciated.
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